Ride On Time visit pre schools or nurseries offering an interactive role play session to develop road awareness

Ride On Time offers a unique and stimulating way to engage children with road safety lessons and life skills.
Using our fleet of ride on toys and a road system complete with traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, the children can be taught the essentials of road traffic awareness. The sessions can be held in the safety of school grounds away from roads, but will bring the road environment into school. The session can be held indoors or outdoors.
Ride On Time road safety sessions have been designed with the early years framework as it’s benchmark. It specifically targets the following objectives:
personal, social and emotional development
communications and language development
understanding the World
physical development
Our sessions work as a stand alone session that introduces children to basic road safety awareness, or they can be incorporated into a wider classroom project. We would work in consultation with teachers to provide a session that incorporates any previous learning and develops any topic work further.

Get in touch to find out more. This engaging and fun workshop could ultimately save a child's life and keep children safe
Road Safety Interest